Get Your Hands on Our Powerful ROI Calculator
Get free access to our Referral Program ROI Calculator
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A powerful tool, used to test powerful ideas.
With the SaaSquatch ROI Calculator, we use data mined from our very own data warehouse to calculate the effectiveness and ROI potential of your referral program.
Unlike other ROI calculators, this results in an accurate model that’s based off of real results, from real businesses like yours.
The info you'll need to bring to the table tool.
In order to use the calculator effectively, you’ll need to have a few pieces of data ready. Such as:
- Roughly the # of active users or visitors you get per month
- The total cost of the reward(s) of your program (or program to be!)
- The average lifetime value of your customers
Don’t have that last one figured out? Take a look at our complete guide to customer lifetime value »