
Customer loyalty and referral programs for SaaS

Unlock your growth potential with in-app referral and loyalty programs that increase customer acquisition, drive product usage and improve retention.



Built for your industry, by people who understand it.

SaaSquatch is designed specifically to support custom referral and loyalty programs for technology companies like yours.

With SaaSquatch you can power programs that:

  • Increase new sign-ups through customer and partner referrals
  • Incentivize user activations, account expansion and cross sell
  • Reward with account credit, gift cards, swag and more
  • Improve retention with renewal appreciation gifts

Plus, our team of experts will work with you to build the perfect programs that your customers will love.

Our internal referral program was working well enough that we wanted to further invest in this channel, but we needed something more powerful to keep growing. We needed a solution that lets us offer dynamic rewards that motivated more people to refer, and the ability for the marketing team to easily make program updates based on insights from a complete set of analytics.

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How SaaS companies are using SaaSquatch to delight their customers.


Powerful customer referral programs.

Multi-tier and multi-objective referral programs used to engage existing customers and encourage them to refer their network of friends to earn rewards.

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Product adoption and usage reward programs.

Reward users for specific in-app behaviors and engage at key moments of their journey from sign-up to activation, to renewals and beyond.

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Custom behavior-based reward programs.

Highly customizable customer loyalty programs to reward users for any in- or out-of-app behavior such as referrals, reviews, social interactions, and more.

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Ready to supercharge product adoption and usage?


Learn how Jobber acquired customers at an 18% average selling price.

Find out how this business management platform uses referrals to get customers at an 18% higher selling price.

Flexible solution for advanced referral and reward programs.

Finding the right solution for your customer marketing strategy can be tough. Here are a few reasons why SaaS companies choose SaaSquatch:

Seamlessly integrates with your mobile or desktop app.

Highly customizable through advanced program logic.

Integrates with your entire tech stack.

Enterprise-level security – SOC2 Type II Certified.

SaaS-specific coaching and expertise.

Seamless, branded end-user experiences.

Gamification functionality through leaderboards and more.

Reward users for both in- and out-of-app activities.

Offer custom reward types.

Engage 10x more users with in-app
referral and loyalty programs.

With SaaSquatch you can build personalized advocacy programs that live seamlessly inside your mobile or web app.

Low-friction program options encourage both in- and out-of-app behavior with any reward, such as credit, discounts, giftcards, points, upgrades and more.


What can you achieve with SaaSquatch?

Our customers have seen:

  • Millions in word-of-mouth revenue
  • 2x higher conversion rates
  • 45% lower customer acquisition cost
  • 18% higher average selling price
  • 48% more referral conversions
  • 5x more customer referrals


Integrate SaaSquatch with your entire tech stack.

See how leading brands scale with SaaSquatch.